Unpredictable results when trying to pre-populate forms

I worked along this documentation. I ran several tests, but wasn’t able to get it working constantly.

Often the URL generated with “ct=” part, but missing “email=” part or the exact opposite way. Both won’t work. There might be some problem with Mautic editor, as it saved {pagelink=10}&email=%7Bleadfield=email|true%7D instead of {pagelink=10}&email={Bleadfield=email|true}. Manually correcting it in the source code editor didn’t fix it.

Rarely I had a correct link, but there seems to be a second problem. Emails with a “+” sign in their id part are not correctly filled into the form. The “+” sign gets replaced by space. Not good.

Has anyone succeeded with correctly pre-populating fields repeatedly?

I worked along this documentation. I ran several tests, but wasn’t able to get it working constantly.

Often the URL generated with “ct=” part, but missing “email=” part or the exact opposite way. Both won’t work. There might be some problem with Mautic editor, as it saved {pagelink=10}&email=%7Bleadfield=email|true%7D instead of {pagelink=10}&email={Bleadfield=email|true}. Manually correcting it in the source code editor didn’t fix it.

Rarely I had a correct link, but there seems to be a second problem. Emails with a “+” sign in their id part are not correctly filled into the form. The “+” sign gets replaced by space. Not good.

Has anyone succeeded with correctly pre-populating fields repeatedly?