Upgrade from v4.4.10 to 5 renders forms not accessable + schema issues

Just tried to upgrade from v4.4.10 to Mautic 5 from the command line. The update says it’s successful.

However, when I log into Mautic, I cannot do anything with the forms anymore. Can’t publish/unpublish, or even create new forms.

I’m using PHP 8.0 / 10.6.16-MariaDB / All folder perms are correct.

Has anyone run into this?

Error log (these are only 2 entries):

[2024-01-09 16:42:20] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\InvalidFieldNameException: “An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘t0.mapped_object’ in ‘field list’” at /var/www/ma.lexgabrees.com/htdocs/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/API/MySQL/ExceptionConverter.php line 67 {“exception”:“[object] (Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\InvalidFieldNameException(code: 1054): An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘t0.mapped_object’ in ‘field list’ at /var/www/ma.lexgabrees.com/htdocs/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/API/MySQL/ExceptionConverter.php:67, Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Exception(code: 1054): SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘t0.mapped_object’ in ‘field list’ at /var/www/ma.lexgabrees.com/htdocs/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/PDO/Exception.php:28, PDOException(code: 42S22): SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘t0.mapped_object’ in ‘field list’ at /var/www/ma.lexgabrees.com/htdocs/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/PDO/Statement.php:121)”} {“hostname”:“lexgabrees”,“pid”:110339}
[2024-01-09 16:42:20] mautic.CRITICAL: Exception thrown when handling an exception (InvalidArgumentException: The HTTP status code “1054” is not valid. at /var/www/ma.lexgabrees.com/htdocs/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Response.php line 470) {“exception”:“[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): The HTTP status code "1054" is not valid. at /var/www/ma.lexgabrees.com/htdocs/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Response.php:470)”} {“hostname”:“lexgabrees”,“pid”:110339}

Hey there,

Thanks for updating so early, please can you clarify:

  1. Have you cleared your cache?
  2. Have you rebuilt your assets? (bin/console m:a:g)

I’ll flag it up for the team.

Hey Ruth,

Yes … did the following:

  • cleared cache
  • tried different PHP versions from 7.4 and up

Also, there was a plugin update issue regarding recaptcha. This dissappeared after uninstalling the plugin and clearing cache.

Did not rebuild assets, cause I never had to, but will give that a try later.

It looks like a a DB thing, cause I also can’t create new forms.

This is weird. I can see that the pull request adding this new column had a migration in it:

But I cannot find it in M5. I’ll keep digging.

I found the problem. Caused by my migration cleaning:

I’ll create a fix for Mautic 5.0.1. As a quick fix you can copy the content of this file:

And paste it to this new file app/migrations/Version20200415135706.php

Then run bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to execute it.

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PR with the fix: Adding wrongly removed migration back by escopecz · Pull Request #13183 · mautic/mautic · GitHub

Thanks for the speedy fix @escopecz :rocket: :mautibot:

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