Upgrading to Mautic 3.2.0 fails because of unsupported Mysql version

Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.2.0
My PHP version is: 7.3.24
My Database type and version is: Mysql 8.0.20

Your problem
My problem is: While trying to upgrade from Mautic 3.1.2 to 3.2.0, I’ve received an error in the log saying that my DB does not support generated columns, and is in too old of a version.
I am using Mysql 8.0 (which I’ve understood is supported, was I wrong?)

These errors are showing in the log:
Your database version (5.5) does not support generated columns. Upgrade at least to 5.7.14 and update db_server_version accordingly to get the speed improvements

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

The issue was resolved, thanks to this Github issue

Apparently, the db_server_version field in local.php file was set to 5.5 for some reason, instead of 8.0.20. Changing it correctly and clearing cache using cache:clear resolved the issue.

For those of you who see this topic and looking for step by step, here you go:

  1. Using SSH, access /your/mautic/path/appp/config/local.php and find the db_server_version field.
  2. If it states a wrong version, change it according to your real MySQL server version and save your changes.
  3. run php /your/mautic/path/bin/console cache:clear
  4. run php /your/mautic/path/bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Mautic team, is there a reason this field is set to the wrong version of the DB? Should it be updated manually when installing a new mautic environment?