Use Conversions for campaign effectiveness

My idea is: Introduce the concept of conversions to campaigns and messages

I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea: Marketers and analysts

Why I think they would benefit from this idea: Different campaigns or messages have different goals, and not every marketing activity has a direct goal of revenue or transactions. Giving marketers an easy way to see what percentage of people in an audience converted would give them a way to measure their marketing efforts. To make this the most effective, we would need to allow custom conversions and a way to track what those conversions are. Some standard conversions could include email open/click, text click, page hit, form submission, stage change, segment membership change (from one specific segment to another), or field value change. With some plugins, custom objects, or other API data, additional conversions could include transactions, webinar/event registrations, profile completion, quote generation, CSAT/NPS result, etc

Any code or resources to support this idea: N/A

Are you willing to work on this idea?: Concept/design, yes. I do not have coding skills to develop the feature.

What skills and resources do you need to explore this further?: UI/UX research, technical knowledge for how this could be implemented.