Warning: Division by zero in...

When I go to (or refresh) my dashboard, it briefly loads a message saying, "

Warning: Division by zero in /home/[account]/public_html/app/bundles/DashboardBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php on line 55"

Is it safe to ignore this?

When I go to (or refresh) my dashboard, it briefly loads a message saying, "
Warning: Division by zero in /home/[account]/public_html/app/bundles/DashboardBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php on line 55"
Is it safe to ignore this?

It’s safe to ignore although we’ll get it fixed!

If you want to fix it now, open that file and change the line above it be if ($sentReadCount['sent_count']) { (replace “read_count” with “sent_count” and that should fix the error.

Great, thank you:)