Is Webhooks is necessary for the email configration?
I am using PHP Mail serives for in email setting.
How i can check email is Bounced, Unsubscribes emails. I already configure emails setting and also create a particuler segment for the bounced emails & unsubscribe emails, but no bounces emails , Unsubscribes email are falged in that segment. What shoud i do , shoud i used Elastice Email serivices or can possible with the PHP Mail as well.
Thanks in advance.
Kishan Kumawat
Is Webhooks is necessary for the email configration?
I am using PHP Mail serives for in email setting.
How i can check email is Bounced, Unsubscribes emails. I already configure emails setting and also create a particuler segment for the bounced emails & unsubscribe emails, but no bounces emails , Unsubscribes email are falged in that segment. What shoud i do , shoud i used Elastice Email serivices or can possible with the PHP Mail as well.
Thanks in advance.
Kishan Kumawat