Would you like to help with the new mautic.org website project?

The mautic.org website needs to be updated, and we have an offer of support from Acquia to design and build a new site based on Drupal in collaboration with a team from the community.

Would you like to be involved in the project?

In addition to being involved with defining what we need in the website in the different phases, we can use a range of skills from design/development to Drupal-specific skills and content writing/optimisation.

The team will be fast-moving and you will need to be able to dedicate at least 1-2 hours per week as a minimum to attend calls and work on the project.

The rough outline is to develop an MVP site which pulls in the work already done by the website team on the ‘staging site’ with basic features (which we define) and a link to the forums much the same as we have now. This will allow the team at Acquia to take on hosting and supporting the website infrastructure, and allow us to quickly move to a functional website.

Later stages can include additional features (which we define) and a tighter integration with the forums.

If you’re interested and can commit the time of a minimum 1-2 hours per week, please reply below. I’ll cross-post this to Slack for greater visibility.


Huge task… I’m in :slight_smile:


Fantastic! Thanks for stepping up!

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I’d be happy to join in :slight_smile:

Fantastic! Can you join #website on Slack as that’s where we’ll be chatting. There’s also a sub-forum #community:website-working-group on the forums where we’ll be managing the process once things get underway.