About the Community Team category

Mission and expectations

We want to have more and more people who are contributing to Mautic.

General Tasks

  • Grow the Community - global and local engagement
  • Increase active contribution
  • Facilitate communication and contribution

Sample activities


  • Improve global community infrastructure, rearrange forums, etc
  • Ownership of the m.mautic.org Mautic instance
  • “Events” page to list local and global events

But also

  • Understand community personas
  • Promote and help building a business on Mautic, and explain active contribution as an important element of it
  • Find, grow and support ambassadors

Global Communities

  • Make global community more accessible, give transparency on tasks/actors/processes, and provide easy starting points
  • Reach out to previously active contributors, try to reactivate them
    Including: WHAT is the message? WHAT are the channels?
  • Reach out to existing passive community members, try to activate them
  • Organize global events
  • Develop an easy path from local community to global contribution

Local Communities

  • Know and work with all local communities (even Facebook/LinkedIn groups etc.)
  • Define and support official ways for building local communities (and steer existing ones to becoming official, plus inspire new ones) , help them to network and learn from each other
  • Web page that identifies official local communities, and where to find them
  • Help local events (material, speakers, tools, best practices, …)
  • Identify per-region “liaisons”, especially in countries where Mautic is not known (not the same as ambassadors!), and establish ways of working with them, without potential others from the region being demotivated or shied away.
  • Select priority regions and work actively to spark local communities there

Profiles of contributors needed in this team

  • Everyone who is enthusiastic enough
  • As ambassadors: People in different countries who are already well-connected through other activities, and have a broad understanding of Mautic’s facets (both from the user’s and from the MarTech and even dev side, but no actual dev knowledge required)
  • Define what we call people who start or lead a community in a certain country

P.S. Definitions

Who is Community member?

Everyone who

  • Contributed code or content to Mautic
  • Visited a website to ask for Mautic support
  • Is interested in Mautic, even without ever contributing!

What is contribution?

  • All contributions are important for the success of the project, since contributions by newcomers might lead to happy and dedicated core contributors.
  • This includes mentions like “It doesn’t work on my server” which too is a valuable contribution – the underlying message being e.g. “improve documentation”.
  • Even failed contributions are essential, because of how much we can learn when we fail. Contribution from newcomers is especially valuable, because they see the project with fresh eyes.

Would you like to be involved in this team? Add a comment on this thread!

The first meeting will be organised for w/c 11th November 2019.