Adding New Option to Custom Select Field

When creating a new custom field and giving it a “Select” data type, making it a drop-down menu, you’re given the ability to add option values to to the drop-down menu. After saving this field and then attempting to edit it, there appears to be no way to add to, remove from, or modify these option values.

Am I missing something; is there a way to modify these option values and, if so, how? I’d like to be able to perform this action.

Note, when I click on the custom field in order to edit it, the option values are displayed for a split second as the page loads, but are then removed and cannot be found even if inspecting element via chrome.

Using server-side installation of Mautic v1.4.0.

When creating a new custom field and giving it a “Select” data type, making it a drop-down menu, you’re given the ability to add option values to to the drop-down menu. After saving this field and then attempting to edit it, there appears to be no way to add to, remove from, or modify these option values.

Am I missing something; is there a way to modify these option values and, if so, how? I’d like to be able to perform this action.

Note, when I click on the custom field in order to edit it, the option values are displayed for a split second as the page loads, but are then removed and cannot be found even if inspecting element via chrome.

Using server-side installation of Mautic v1.4.0.

I’m able to replicate. Prepared a fix:

I have just applied the fix but it doesn’t seem to have solved the problem for me.

Custom “select” field under “professional” with 2 values. Attempt to edit, can’t apply or save any changes or see the values.

Logout, apply changes, clear app cache, login. No change to my situation.

Any thoughts?

You’d have to run Mautic in dev mode which is not possible with production package as I’m aware. I should have mention that. The change was made in the JS source files which are concatenated and minified for each production version.

Oh, wait. Maybe there is a solution. If you can run commands, run

/path/to/mautic/app/console mautic:assets:generate

(change the path/to/mautic to point to the Mautic root dir)

Or try to rename media/js/app.js file (to create a backup if anything goes wrong). Mautic should generate the JS file if missing.

Nope. Really bad. No my Mautic instance won’t load. I appear to login and then I get a “page unresponsive” error. I have tried clearing the app/cache and clearing my browser history but no go. Oh…

Hang on…might have been a server thing. It appears to be back. Let me prod and poke and I’ll get back to you.

Bingo. Maybe that command took longer to run than the output message suggested. Thank you

For other people following this I did not terminal in but simply ran a CRON job one time. Being that I have my cPanel CRON job window open whilst fiddling in Mautic it was the obvious choice.

Sorry for the late response… Confirmed the fix.