After updating the mautic I am getting 403 error

I get a notification of update when I start updating then the update stuck at the last step so when I refresh the page now Ii get 403 error.

I don’t know how to solve the issue

please help I will Appreciate

Did you update via the Mautic dashboard or via CLI?

Updating via the dashboard nearly always creates issues. In which case roll back to a back up and rather update via CLI (SSH access)

I have updated through Dashboard.

now what should i do?

Roll back to a back up.

Then update via SSH access using a service like terminal (for mac) or putty (windows).

Check your htaccess

Mautic comes with a htaccess that may break some installation (like those made by Softaculous.

ref (same for Mautic 4.x and 5.x):

And there