Amazon AWS SNS ~ PendingConfirmation

I have correctly verified our domain with SES but when I try to setup bounce handling I receive an error as below and the subscription stays as PendingConfirmation:

1 validation error detected: Value null at 'token' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must not be null (Service: AmazonSNS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: cf1becf7-823a-518e-92ad-bd476a518e19)

I have the callback url as https://[mautic_install]/mailer/amazon/callback

When I tried to access the callback url directly I received this error in my logs
[2017-06-06 18:34:32] mautic.ERROR: PHP Error - Argument 1 passed to MauticEmailBundleSwiftmailerTransportAmazonTransport::processJsonPayload() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/[redacted]/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Swiftmailer/Transport/AmazonTransport.php on line 64 and defined - in file /home/[redacted]/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Swiftmailer/Transport/AmazonTransport.php - at line 78 [] []

I have searched the forum and read through some previous post but nothing seems to fit. Nothing in mod_security. Any advice?

I have correctly verified our domain with SES but when I try to setup bounce handling I receive an error as below and the subscription stays as PendingConfirmation:

1 validation error detected: Value null at 'token' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must not be null (Service: AmazonSNS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: cf1becf7-823a-518e-92ad-bd476a518e19)

I have the callback url as https://[mautic_install]/mailer/amazon/callback

When I tried to access the callback url directly I received this error in my logs

[2017-06-06 18:34:32] mautic.ERROR: PHP Error - Argument 1 passed to MauticEmailBundleSwiftmailerTransportAmazonTransport::processJsonPayload() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/[redacted]/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Swiftmailer/Transport/AmazonTransport.php on line 64 and defined - in file /home/[redacted]/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Swiftmailer/Transport/AmazonTransport.php - at line 78 [] []

I have searched the forum and read through some previous post but nothing seems to fit. Nothing in mod_security. Any advice?

Found the issue. Mautic didn’t like php 5.6 upgraded to php7.0 and the confirmation went straight through