I notice that many user just enter wrong mail by mistake. Eg. myemail@gmai.com - so I think it’s better if after submit the form, Mautic display something like “An email has been sent to {useremail}” to let them know that they have entered the correct email. Or after submit, the email they enter still remain at the input area. How can I do this???
I notice that many user just enter wrong mail by mistake. Eg. myemail@gmai.com - so I think it’s better if after submit the form, Mautic display something like “An email has been sent to {useremail}” to let them know that they have entered the correct email. Or after submit, the email they enter still remain at the input area. How can I do this???
After hours of researching, I found a temporary solution: use a javascript to show an alert with user’s email after they submit the form. Here is step-by-step I did to my site. Hope it’s useful for someone
Step 1. Put the code below in the “form.html.twig” under theme form folder.
<script type="text/javascript">
function Confirm(form){
m = document.getElementsByName('mauticform[email]')[0].value;
alert("An email will be sent to *"+m+"* if there is no shark biting the internet cable now!");
Step 2. Edit the submit button in the form, append this the input attributes area.
Then each time user submits that form, an alert box (in web browser style) will appear and show a message that an email will be sent to their email, so they will have a chance to see their email one more time. You can see mine in action here: https://fususu.com/en/public-speaking-tips/#testform
Step 3. If you have many forms like me and don’t want to edit each form. You can use this query in phpmyadmin.
UPDATE mtform_fields
SET input_attr = 'class="btn btn-default" onClick="Confirm(this.form)"'
WHERE `type` = 'button'
This query will replace the attribute of all submit buttons.
P.s. I’m not a technical guy, but I’m really good at Googling to fix problem myself. Nice to be here with you guys, let’s make a great community. My blog: https://fususu.com/en/ My fb: https://fb.com/fususuvn
a better solution would be to write 2 times email in 2 different fields and check for data before submit form
I think your solution is useful when user registers an account, they will have enough patience to re-type their email. In my case it’s a subscribe form, I don’t see many sites ask user to re-type their email in a subscribe form.
Today I came to a better solution, that will do exactly what I want. Just put these code in form.html.twig in theme folder, then it will append another message with user email, under Mautic Default Message after submitting a form.
<div id="mailsent" style="text-align:center;color:green;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function showHide() {
m = document.getElementsByName('mauticform[email]')[0].value;
document.getElementById("mailsent").innerHTML = "An email will be sent to *"+m+"* Please check carefully!";
Nice to be here with you guys, let’s make a great community.
My blog: https://fususu.com/en/ My fb: https://fb.com/fususuvn