Assistance Required for Connecting Salesforce Plugin with Mautic

I encounter a connectivity issue while connecting my Mautic instance with a Salesforce sandbox. I have successfully created the connected app in Salesforce but I am facing an exception while trying to authorize the application.

Error: : error=invalid_request&error_description=missing+required+code+challenge

Note: I want to mention that I have not created a namespace as I am creating this application within Salesforce.

Thank you in advance. Community Mautic 5 Install/Upgrade Support

Can you please post the results from your var/logs folder?

We also need to know the version of Mautic, PHP and MySQL/MariaDB that you’re using.

If this is regarding Mautic 5 then there is already one issue logged about the SF plugin: Error in configuring salesforce plugin on local instance · Issue #13467 · mautic/mautic · GitHub

Thank you @rcheesley for looking in to this
Here is the log

My PHP version : PHP Version 8.0.30
and database: MySQL

[2024-03-06T18:26:20.784209+00:00] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Mautic\PluginBundle\Exception\ApiErrorException: “mautic.integration.auth.invalid.state” at /home/redacted/public_html/app/bundles/PluginBundle/Integration/AbstractIntegration.php line 1073 {“exception”:“[object] (Mautic\PluginBundle\Exception\ApiErrorException(code: 0): mautic.integration.auth.invalid.state at /home/redacted/public_html/app/bundles/PluginBundle/Integration/AbstractIntegration.php:1073)”} {“hostname”:“redacted”,“pid”:2645099}


Thanks for jumping into this. Also, I have a question as per knowledge articles we need to create the connected app in developer org only with the namespace. Can’t we create connected app in Prod/sandbox without namespace?

A namespace isn’t necessary AFAIK

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