Auto fill email data

Why Email field in forms has no behavior tab? (where I could set Auto fill data)

I want to Auto fill email data.

I have multiple downloads in a page

I ask only for email, and I feel dumb to ask to my users the same questions three times in 10 seconds.

Why Email field in forms has no behavior tab? (where I could set Auto fill data)

I want to Auto fill email data.

I have multiple downloads in a page
I ask only for email, and I feel dumb to ask to my users the same questions three times in 10 seconds.

Hello @Lucagitec

I do not know if this will answer your question …
But from what I understand in the explanation when inserting the NAME, there could be some error if the users share the same IP … could not be this a mechanism to prevent this error by forcing the user and typing their e- Mail ??? Do not know…And that feature still only runs on mautic landing pages …

Actually, I understand exactly the opposite, according to the documentation …
Here is the excerpt:


There are 2 possible ways you can configure the form field to display only when needed. The configuration is in the Behavior tab in the field configuration form. The Behavior (Progressive Profiling) can be configured for all field types except the email and the button field. Email should be always visible because it is identifier of a contact and Mautic’s tracking is not yet 100% accurate. The button field should always be visible because otherwise the form could not be submitted.

It’s recommended to use the email field in each form.

@Carlos BR and @MxyzptlkFishStix

This is my ideal process:
User compiles Form 1 (just Email Field) to download Asset A.
After a few minutes, User decides to compile Form 2(just Email Field) to download an Asset B.
I’d like that the Email Field of Form 2 would be already pre-filled with the Email Field value used by User in Form 1.

Do you think it is possible?