Bulk creating unique links for mailouts

Using Mautic 2.x

This is more a question than a problem - if you make links in emails you’re sending using the right tokens you get a proper, trackable Mautic link and, if somebody clicks it, records their activity properly against their contact record. Is there a way to get a link like this for everybody in a given Segment for use in a physical mailout, like a letter? What we want is to get a list of trackable Mautic links that we can send to a mailout company, so they can use those links to generate QR codes to print on to a physical letter that gets posted.

I can’t see a way to do this, anyone know of anything?

Thanks in advance,


Why not use the campaign logic to do this? If the postcard has a call to action to visit xyz.com/ you can track who visits that particular page as long as the mautic pixel is present and the cookie or ip match.

You can also do it with point triggers

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That’s the issue, these are cold contacts so there’s no guarantee there’s a cookie present or an IP recorded - in fact, almost certainly not… :thinking:

Generate random codes equal to the amount of contacts. Export your mautic leads. Add a custom field in Mautic that says awesome_code. Copy Paste your random codes to a column of you export and rename it awesome_code
Re-Import Leads - Should append your awesome_code to contacts.

Use dynamic content box in landing page and have the field be awesome_code.
If the code is displayed it matches a person you appended awesome_code to you, and have just identified them.

You can use contact ID.
Export your contacts. Then you can generate QR code based on a special smart link with an ID with a php script during the printing process.
The QR code can point at a link containing ID as a smart URL:
Check this page how to capture the ID:

You might have to set ID as globally updateable value in settings. Not sure.

Good luck

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Thanks guys, we’ll do some testing!