Campaign Builder


In the campaign builder if I select ‘Download asset’, ‘Submits form’ or ‘Visit landing page’ from Decisions, there is an option to limit the event to a specific asset, form or page.

But for the ‘Opens email’ decision there isn’t any option, there is only a name field.


In the campaign builder if I select ‘Download asset’, ‘Submits form’ or ‘Visit landing page’ from Decisions, there is an option to limit the event to a specific asset, form or page.

But for the ‘Opens email’ decision there isn’t any option, there is only a name field.


The opens email decision has to be used in connection with the “send email” action. Does your scenario include something where an email is sent outside of a campaign and thus needs to start with the opens email decision? Or can you send the email from the campaign itself?


Didn’t know that… Currently the lead is added to the campaign based on points but the campaign itself only starts if the lead opens an email sent by Mautic but outside the campaign.

I’m still learning so if it cant be done I guess I can figure out a way to create a different scenario with same objective.

Thanks for your reply

Ah gotcha. adds back the option to limit the open email decision to selected emails. Or if left blank, will default to the connected send email action.


Will Mautic consider "clicked’ in the future and more functionality around the date so that you one can apply days since

Yeap, it works. Thanks!

Excellent suggestions!

@emailready and @renegademarketer, can you guys give some examples of what’s wanted?


Hi Alan

  1. Clicks (count) - with the filters we need unique clicks but an additional KPI would be any clicks
  2. All Date Ranges - Since segmentation rules, If I wanted to setup an

i.e: Welcome lifecycle = I would typically like to have everyone that has joined/added in the last X day/week/month or clicks since or opened since
i.e.: Legacy list = opened (0) since 365 days or clicked (0) since 365 days

@renegademarketer not sure if you have anything you would like to add to the list

So let me make sure I’m understanding by using some examples

  1. A campaign “click decision” that can define scenarios such as lead clicks on 5 unique pages (maybe 5 different product pages from an e-store) within a defined date/time range then execute connected actions.

  2. A campaign decision where you can define scenarios such as leads that have submitted x form within the last 30 days, leads that have opened x email within the last 2 weeks. If that interpretation is correct, would this be a starting point in the campaign or something that’s in the middle? I’m just processing how to “trigger” such a decision. If at the beginning, are the associated actions triggered only when saving the campaign or should they be triggered via a scheduled cron job where it basically does a query to find all leads that meet the criteria and execute the actions. I would assume the latter so it can be an ongoing campaign.


Hi Alan

As for your No 1, well that would be extremely nice to have :slight_smile: btw. would the tracking pixel monitor those conversions or would one need a cookie dropped of some sort?

I was rather thinking of a quick win, at the moment you trigger and behavior based on if an email was opened or not (opens are good for subject lines only they don’t really tell you if the user has actually engaged or not. As I am sure you know that if “images are turned off” on most email clients and mobile devices for example opens aren’t recorded) so it leaves us with a slight dilemma, Campaign will think that this lead hasn’t opened and the campaign flow will change considerably basically assuming that they haven’t engaged with the email at all.

No 2. That would definitely be a starting point because indirectly creating a segment of a segment on the fly. I would agree with the rest of your later statement, its how I would see it happening. If this is to complex to deliver and would have to go into the backlog, you could typically consider moving this filter back to the “Smart Lists” which then would only segment for what that days since measure, just a thought!

Yes, the image technique is about all we can do for emails themselves. If you have Mautic landing page, you can add the “visits a landing page” decision which is treated like a click through and assumed the user landed on the page from the email sent. We will be expanding that to support 3rd party links/pages.

We definitely want to make the smart lists a little more smart by allowing segmenting by time/date. The problem is finding a balance between performance and how smart a list can be. When we first set out, the smart lists ran dynamic queries to get a list of leads each time the list was used. This led to some crazy queries and performance hits. So we ditched that and now lists are updated when a list is modified, a lead is modified (they are only removed from lists if applicable but not added to lists as it would require rebuilding all the lists which will bog down sources that insert leads or response time while using Mautic), or if the command php /path/to/mautic/app/console/mautic:leadlists:update --env=prod is ran. (I totally forgot about this cronjob/command!!).

Now that I’m thinking back, we created that command specifically to be able to add date/time based filters. So we’ll get it add to the todo list to get those in there.


Thanks Alan sound great!
