Campaign decisions: fewer options!?

Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.2.1
My PHP version is: 7.3.22

Your problem
My problem is: I know that there have been more options in the decision part of a campaign. I don’t know why there are just these ones. Even in the description there is shown “opened an e-mail” - but I can’t select that option.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-23 um 16.03.24

(translation: device / page visit / download asset / dynamic content / sending form)

Is there the possibility, that some of the options were killed in the newer versions of mautic or is this a bug?

Thanks in advance!

If there is not an email sent in any of the previous campaign steps you will likely not have the option to select “opened email” as a decision

So, if the email is sent as a result of filling out a form, i cannot track the opening in a campaign? Hmm…

When you started building the campaign did you select “Campaign forms” under Contact sources?

When you created the form did you select New Campaign Form or New Standalone Form ?

I suspect it is a standalone form that has a send email action and it has created this problem.

If you create the same form as a Campaign Form you will likely have the results you are looking for.

Yes I will try that or make it a campaign step to send the emails.

I actually got more than one form with slightly different mails sent out and I wanted to have only one campaign to deal with this, that’s why they all run into one segment and I used that as source for the campaign. But now I see I have to create multiple campaigns for tracking the different emails.

Thanks a lot!

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