Campaings actions not working

Your software
My Mautic version is: v4.4.10
My PHP version is: 8.0.30
My Database type and version is: 10.5.25-MariaDB-deb11-log

Your problem
My problem is: Campaign not executing events

These errors are showing in the log:

Triggering events for campaign 74
Triggering events for newly added contacts
76 total events(s) to be processed in batches of 100 contacts
0/76 [>---------------------------] 0%
76/76 [============================] 100%Triggering events for campaign 75
Triggering events for newly added contacts
24051 total events(s) to be processed in batches of 100 contacts
0/24051 [>---------------------------] 0%
24051/24051 [============================] 100%Triggering events for campaign 76
Triggering events for newly added contacts
5260 total events(s) to be processed in batches of 100 contacts
0/5260 [>---------------------------] 0%
5260/5260 [============================] 100%

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:


I am trying to do campaigns to clean my lead contacts.
I noticed that I have had many registrations from weird countries.

So I set up a segment to put all those leads in.

Then I did a campaign that is intended to delete them.

I have been playing with cron jobs to see if the problem is there without success. The crons are set using this guide: Ultimate guide to Mautic cronjobs – Joey Keller (thanks Joey).

Any ideas? Other campaigns are working normally. My guess is that it has something to do with the Delete command.


You have a deletion command there?
It is being executed in my opinion.
Just after you delete someone they disappear from the system including the event of deletion.
Could that be the issue?

Hello @joeyk !!

Thank you for your reply. I thought that too, but no because when I clic on contacts I see them.

Then I can go and open the contact and delete it.

The campaign is quite simple:


I will redo the campaign, and then instead of DELETE I will tag them and see if that Action happens.

It is also strange. Can contacts restart the campaign? I would say no, because they cannot be deleted twice.

I have algo the doubt. Is all the info related to the contact deleted?

My new campaign first puts a TAG on the contact 30 minutes after the contact is added to the campaign and 30 minutes after it deletes the contact.

Let’s see if it works like this.


What I suspected is true!! There is a problem with DELETEing contacts through campaigns. The tagging is executed but not the deletion of the contacts.

Any ideas? I have no idea of how to deggug this.

Do you have multiple users with different roles?

Yes @joeyk ! I do have many roles. How can this be affecting it? I log in as an admin.

Not sure just trying to figure it out.
Does the campaign belong to admin?

Hey @joeyk!

Thank you for all your help!

It should because I created it as an admin. I see my name in the log of the campaign.

I ran some of the commands here. Is it possible that those have anything to do?

I do not understand either. I am trying to set up various workflows to clean Mautic.

Table campaign_lead_event_failed_log shows Contact removed from campaign on August 11, 2024 3:36 am CST

Hello!! It might have worked. The campaign shows no data now …

It is strange … Because the contacts have been deleted the campaign shows no stats? Is that possible? There is no info on the contact tab either.

Yesturday the ACTION “Tag Paises extraños” was completed with around 5,000 contacts. Now there is nothing.

I would expect the campaign to show how many contacts have been deleted. But it seems it does now work like that.

Great :slight_smile: Good job.

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