Can Mautic store, present an overview of all products of a webshop and the stock levels of each product?

I don’t use Mautic yet but I was wundering if Mautic already can, and if not, how I can achieve that Mautic stores and can present an overview of all products of a webshop and the stock levels of each product?
Thank you.

Hi @Cookovin ,

plain Mautic has no knowledge of such things.
There is a major plugin called custom objects that might be able to hold such data - of course you would still have to implement a way for getting that data into Mautic.
“Present” is a pretty vague term, may well be that custom objects itself, or segments, and/or reports can do the intended job in some way.

If not - you can always add functionality through a plugin tailored to your needs.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Mautic is not a good fit for a webstore, there are plenty of other solutions like Woo Commerce that runs on Wordpres.

You could connect a store app with Mautic, e.g. via an Integration layer (NodeRed, N8N, Make) or a Low Code Platform like Tape (Effizientes Marketing Automation mit Low Code). Depends on the overall use case you want to implement.

Mautic only manages Contacts, not Products.

Mautic is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or Marketing Automation system. It manages Contacts and their interactions and associations with Companies and Segments and Lists etc. that you can define.

To manage Products in a web shop with stock levels etc. you need an ecommerce application like Shopify. Self-hosted open source options are OpenCart, Magento, PrestoShop, WooCommerce, etc.

Hi, thanks all, sorry that I was not clear enough. With “present products” I didn’t ment in a webshop way but in a table in a spreadsheet way with rows and columns and each row has a different product and the columns right side of each product have/show different aspects of that product e.g. barcode nr. , COGS, supplier, sales price, pictures of the product etc.

And perhaps create a new table for different categories of products? Is there a limit how many rows and cells a table can have?