Cannot reply a thread in Japanese only

I’m trying to reply a thread in Japanese. But I’ve got the error message saying that I’m typing an incomplete sentences.

It’s probably that Javascript library misdetecting Japanese language as incomplete sentences :frowning:

Here is the sample text that I’m trying to post on the thread.

I’m trying to suggest that problem of him not receiving test email is because of the lack of SPF or DKIM record.

Please try copy and paste the following Japanese only reply… you will get the error message.


情報が少ないので、完全な答えは出せませんが、一つの可能性として、もしかすると、ドメインの SPF レコードや DKIM の設定をしていないからかもしれません。



Here is the screen shot.

It seems that if I write at least one complete English sentence, I am able to post a reply

Let me pass this on to the Discourse support team - thank you for flagging it up!

@katzueno thanks for reporting this - the Discourse team have advised me that this should be fixed now.

Can you take a look?

Thx. I was able to reply without English sentence!
I think it’s OK!

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