Can't load Configuration Page after trying to add an IMAP account


I got error messages:

mautic.WARNING: Command doctrine:schema:validate exited with status code 3

and here is result of command:

[FAIL] The entity-class Mautic\DynamicContentBundle\Entity\DynamicContentLeadData mapping is invalid:

  • The association Mautic\DynamicContentBundle\Entity\DynamicContentLeadData#dynamicContent refers to the inverse side field Mautic\DynamicContentBundle\Entity\DynamicContent#id which is not defined as association.
  • The association Mautic\DynamicContentBundle\Entity\DynamicContentLeadData#dynamicContent refers to the inverse side field Mautic\DynamicContentBundle\Entity\DynamicContent#id which does not exist.

[FAIL] The entity-class Bazinga\OAuthServerBundle\Model\RequestToken mapping is invalid:

  • The field ‘Bazinga\OAuthServerBundle\Model\RequestToken#expiresAt’ uses a non-existent type ‘int’.

[FAIL] The entity-class Bazinga\OAuthServerBundle\Model\AccessToken mapping is invalid:

  • The field ‘Bazinga\OAuthServerBundle\Model\AccessToken#expiresAt’ uses a non-existent type ‘int’.


[ERROR] The database schema is not in sync with the current mapping file.

I’m using mautic v3.3.2, php 7.3, mysql.

How to fix this issue?

Can you check in /app/config/local.php if you mistyped something causing the crash?

I removed the stuff that related to IMAP, configuration page was back, but the command bin/console doctrine:schema:validate returns the same result.

Maybe someone who names functions ‘Bazinga’ :rofl: should contribute here…