Hello, I am currently working in an upgrade for a plugin to send/receive whatsapp messages using a middleware called Zender.
The plugin already works and replaces the “text message” channel with this to send WhatsApps and do several other things.
Now I want to be able to fetch the answers and make Mautic react to those answers. The issue is that I can’t find a way to pull the list of all campaigns a lead (leadid) has been included in (that’s needed for a part of the logic to make Mautic react to answers and for me to learn how Mautic works). So I am stuck with that.
Supposedly this will help me get the campaigns: MauticCampaignBundle:CampaignEvent
But is not working or at least I might not be using it correctly.
Error log says the entity is not defined:
**‘MauticCampaignBundle:CampaignEvent’: Error: Class ‘Mautic\CampaignBundle\Entity\CampaignEvent’ is not defined. **
So, is there a way to pull all the campaigns if I have a leadid?
BTW, I am having no issues finding the leadid if I have the email or the phone and this code is currently using that.
So, here is the code I am using that let’s me achieve the leadid (and some other things not shown in here) but can’t fetch the list of campaigns that leadid has been included at.
Can you help me find a solution please?
namespace MauticPlugin\MauticZenderBundle\Controller;
use Mautic\ApiBundle\Controller\CommonApiController;
use Mautic\PluginBundle\Helper\IntegrationHelper;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface;
class ZenderWebhookController extends CommonApiController
private $logger;
private $integrationHelper; // Add this line
// Update the constructor
public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, IntegrationHelper $integrationHelper)
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->integrationHelper = $integrationHelper; // Set the IntegrationHelper
$this->logger->debug('ZenderWebhookController instantiated.');
public function receiveAction(Request $request, $key, $phone, $message, $time, $datetime)
$this->logger->debug('Full URL received.', [
'full_url' => $request->getSchemeAndHttpHost() . $request->getRequestUri(),
$this->logger->debug('Received variables.', [
'key' => $key,
'phone' => $phone,
'message' => $message,
'time' => $time,
'datetime' => $datetime
if (!$this->validateKey($key)) {
return new JsonResponse(['message' => 'Unauthorized'], JsonResponse::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
return new JsonResponse(['message' => 'Webhook received and key validated.'], JsonResponse::HTTP_OK);
private function validateKey($key)
$integration = $this->integrationHelper->getIntegrationObject('Zender');
if (!$integration || !$integration->getIntegrationSettings()->getIsPublished()) {
$this->logger->debug('Integration not found or not published');
return false; // Integration not found or not published
// Retrieve and decrypt the API keys
$keys = $integration->getDecryptedApiKeys();
// Log the decrypted settings for debugging
$this->logger->debug('Decrypted API keys', $keys);
// Check if 'webhook_key' is present after decryption
$configuredKey = $keys['webhook_key'] ?? '';
if (empty($configuredKey)) {
$this->logger->debug('No key configured, validation failed.', [
'received_key' => $key,
'configured_key' => $configuredKey // Log the expected key
return false;
if ($key !== $configuredKey) {
$this->logger->debug('Key validation failed.', [
'received_key' => $key,
'expected_key' => $configuredKey,
return false;
$this->logger->debug('Key validation successful.', [
'received_key' => $key
return true;
private function processMessage($phone)
$leadModel = $this->getModel('lead');
$lead = $leadModel->getRepository()->findOneBy(['mobile' => $phone]);
if ($lead) {
// Log the lead ID for debugging
$this->logger->debug('Lead found.', ['leadId' => $lead->getId()]);
// Find and log campaigns for the lead
$campaignIds = $this->findCampaignsForLead($lead->getId());
$this->logger->debug('Campaign IDs found for lead.', [
'leadId' => $lead->getId(),
'campaignIds' => $campaignIds
// Other code...
} else {
$this->logger->debug('Lead not found.', ['phone' => $phone]);
private function findCampaignsForLead($leadId)
$entityManager = $this->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
try {
$query = $entityManager->createQuery(
"SELECT ce.campaignId
FROM MauticCampaignBundle:CampaignEvent ce
JOIN ce.lead l
WHERE l.id = :leadId"
)->setParameter('leadId', $leadId);
$campaigns = $query->getResult();
return array_map(function ($campaign) {
return $campaign['campaignId'];
}, $campaigns);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->logger->error('Error finding campaigns for lead: ' . $e->getMessage());
return [];