Send WhatsApp messages (Zender plugin) [Free] now recieve messages

The new version of Mautic Plugin for Zender is free to be downloaded, find it at:

This new version connects to Zender API thus let you fetch all messages you have already sent, the status (failed, successful/sent) and saves in a Mautic DB all JSONs of every API call, giving you the option to build reports.
Also it let’s you fetch the recieved answers. YES! the answers clients/users give you via WhatsApp.

Also, it saves in the leads table the last event per user regarding sent or recieved WhatsApp messages, so you can use them to create segments or events.

Hope you enjoy this new release and please, I am open to suggestions.

Next step: AI to rewrite outgoing messages (more personalization), fetch received messages and errors sending as the event happens and if someone helps me to understand how, auto answer on received messages.

Please, let me know if there is something else you would like or if you need some help configuring this or a Zender installation. We can provide with a Zender server so you don’t have to have your own or other configuration/installation/marketing services.



(release post of previous plugin is in here: Send WhatsApp messages (Zender plugin) [Free])