Send WhatsApp messages (Zender plugin) [Free]


Here you can find the new version of the Zender plugin for Mautic: Release Mautic Whatsapp (via Zender) Plugin v.1.1.0 · rcarabelli/Mautic-Zender-Plugin · GitHub

In summary, you can use your standard WhatsApp and WhatsApp business (NON API) numbers to send WhatsApp messages using the SMS (text message) Channel of Mautic. It let’s you track links, send images and so on just writing the text on the form and use it on any campaign you want.

  • Note 1: Images (jpg, png and gif) and videos (mp4) must be shared as a link, not uploaded.
  • Note 2: Read the documentation before using it, you need a Zender installation (we can help with that as providers or just giving you tips to install your own Zender) and you can’t spam with it or you will get banned.
  • Note 3: We have NO relation with Zender people, we are just users.

This new version of the plugin has been tested in Mautic 5.1
Let me know if you have any question or find any issue.


Thank you for creating and maintaining this plugin.

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This is excellent. Looks great. Thank you.

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