The opportunity is: Develope a solution to send WhatsApp messages created by MAUTIC campaigns through the software “ZENDER”. Zender currently have an API option and a Webhook option that is used for lots of things, and in between those, send WhatsApp messages. I need to learn how to use it or program a solution to be able to send in campaigns WhatsApp messages in MAUTIC through ZENDER more or less like I can send emails or SMS
It is based in: Online?
Remote OK?: Yes, is an online requirement, totally remote and one shot
Salary/remuneration: Since I can’t calculate it will take to program (or solve) this, then I can’t calculate a budget
To find our more: Zender can be found at codecanyon at Zender - Ultimate Messaging Platform for SMS, WhatsApp & use Android Devices as SMS Gateways (SaaS) by TitanSystems and I can give you access to my installation with a temporary user and password because documentation can only be accessed through the app. BTW is in PHP and is web based.|