Click Count doesn't work

Clicks Count in Channel > Emails doesn’t work for me. I see that this is simple url with tracking code. I copied this url and manually paste in browser, but nothing happened. All the time this happens. I don’t know how another people deal with this. I can’t see any errors in logs.

I am using mailgun mail provideer via Mautic SMTP settings. WHat I should to do to make Click COunt works?

Clicks Count in Channel > Emails doesn’t work for me. I see that this is simple url with tracking code. I copied this url and manually paste in browser, but nothing happened. All the time this happens. I don’t know how another people deal with this. I can’t see any errors in logs.
I am using mailgun mail provideer via Mautic SMTP settings. WHat I should to do to make Click COunt works?

Log out as admin as Mautic does not count admin clicks , clear cache or start a new session with different browser

yes, it works! Thanks. Looks like I was sleeping, forgot about this.

But there are some problem with mailgun , it added own tracking url, not mautic. Therefore it didn’t track opened email.


i use sendgrid but all is tracked