My idea is: We could create a community template to enable people to get up and running with Mautic quickly
I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea: Marketers and people using GTM for their tag deployment will be able to get going much faster. Plus people will find our template and may discover Mautic.
Why I think they would benefit from this idea: Marketers, Google Tag Manager users
Any code or resources to support this idea: Vorlagen an die Community-Galerie für Vorlagen senden | Google Tag Manager Templates | Google for Developers here is the info on the gallery and the custom template Krótki przewodnik po szablonach niestandardowych | Google Tag Manager Templates | Google for Developers
Are you willing to work on this idea?: Yes, if someone can support with the technical implementation
What skills and resources do you need to explore this further? Technical resource to help understand what we need to do.