Error info: HTTP status is not 2xx. That means not successful.
HTTP status: 403
Task output:
error: access forbidden
I have no idea whats going on
Looks like something is blocking Cronfig to access the URL /cronfig/mautic:campaigns:trigger
Has anyone ever experienced this?
Error info: HTTP status is not 2xx. That means not successful.
HTTP status: 403
Task output:
error: access forbidden[/quote]
I have no idea whats going on =(
Looks like something is blocking Cronfig to access the URL /cronfig/mautic:campaigns:trigger
Has anyone ever experienced this?
I’m trying to figure it out. From what I could tell, the request is killed by some servers because some HTTP header is missing. I have to figure out which one. If you access the URL in a browser, it works, right?
Looks like it returns a database exception: “MySQL Server has gone away”. Could it be a connection with database problem? Timeout?
[quote]Triggering events for campaign 1
Triggering first level events
4 total events(s) to be processed in batches of 100
0/4 [>---------------------------] 0%
1/4 [=======>--------------------] 25%
2/4 [==============>-------------] 50%
An exception occurred while executing ‘SELECT AS id_1, t0.date_added AS date_added_2, t0.reason AS reason_3, AS channel_4, t0.channel_id AS channel_id_5, t0.comments AS comments_6, t0.lead_id AS lead_id_7 FROM lead_donotcontact t0 WHERE = ? AND t0.lead_id = ?’ with params [“notification”, 8]:
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away
I contacted my hosting provider and they came with and interesting theory, but I don’t know.
Well, the problem is in the query:
'SELECT AS id_1, t0.date_added AS date_added_2, t0.reason AS reason_3, AS channel_4, t0.channel_id AS channel_id_5, t0.comments AS comments_6, t0.lead_id AS lead_id_7 FROM lead_donotcontact t0 WHERE = ? AND t0.lead_id = ?' with params ["notification", 17]
They told me that’s a timeout problem and they think it’s because the application is unable to treat empty returns. I don’t know exatly why they told this (if they realy think that or if they are lazy) but when i try to run this query directly on database, it actualy returns as empty.
At least at this point, they’re right. The database is returning nothing on this query. And the error is a timeout. So I started thinking maybe it could be related somehow with this “empty return”.
The query you posted is not executable with the mysql database directly. It’s in the syntax Doctrine (a PHP library) uses to build the query. So you should get a SQL syntax error while executing it.
But when the error is 2006 MySQL server has gone away then it’s because the mysql server hung up and didn’t deliver the response to the PHP application. So the PHP application did not cause the problem. Here is an article about it if you want to learn more: