Hi, I’ve been trying to make a new custom builder plugin based on GitHub - enguerr/MauticBeefreeBundle: FreeBee.io plugin editor for mautic, since that one is not working with the current versions of mautic, but am having a lot of problems with it.
My current issue is the error “Could not load type “builder_section”: class does not exist.”
I believe the problem is in the following section:
$sectionForm = $this->get('form.factory')->create('builder_section');
return $this->delegateView(
'viewParameters' => [
'form' => $this->setFormTheme($form, 'MauticEmailBundle:Email:form.html.php', 'MauticEmailBundle:FormTheme\Email'),
'isVariant' => $entity->isVariant(true),
'slots' => $this->buildSlotForms($slotTypes),
'sections' => $this->buildSlotForms($sections),
'themes' => $this->factory->getInstalledThemes('email', true),
'bfthemes' => $bfrepo->getInstalledThemes('email', true),
'version' => $lastversion,
'version_post' => $postversion,
'email' => $entity,
'forceTypeSelection' => $forceTypeSelection,
'attachmentSize' => $attachmentSize,
'builderAssets' => trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this->getAssetsForBuilder())), // strip new lines
'sectionForm' => $sectionForm->createView(),
'permissions' => $permissions,
'previewUrl' => $this->generateUrl(
['objectId' => $entity->getId()],
'contentTemplate' => 'MauticBeefreeBundle:Email:form.html.php',
'passthroughVars' => [
'activeLink' => '#mautic_email_index',
'mauticContent' => 'email',
'updateSelect' => InputHelper::clean($this->request->query->get('updateSelect')),
'route' => $this->generateUrl('mautic_email_action', $routeParams),
'validationError' => $this->getFormErrorForBuilder($form),
Can someone assist me with this? I’m using Mautic 4.1.1, if that helps with anything