Delayed actions are not being executed

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.0.4
My PHP version is: 8.1.28
My Database type and version is: MySQL 8.2.0

Your problem
I have a campaign that leads are entering when they enter the segment and receive the first email. Then there is an action that should be carried out within 2 days, which sends a follow-up email. This email is never sent and I don’t understand why.

Taking a contact as an example, I can see that he receives the welcome email on April 30th and today, May 7th, he does not receive the follow-up email 1.

Any guesses as to what it could be?

These errors are showing in the log:
There are no errors in the log.

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
I checked the cron jobs and ran the commands manually:

any thoughts?

Probably not all but very likely most of your headaches come from that
(and best advice you’ll ever find on each and every PHP based web app forum, including this one):
Don’t use root

Steps to resolve:

  1. Remove all your Mautic cronjobs from your root crontab
  2. Wipe clean your cache folder using the rm -Rf cmd while root
  3. log out from the root account (you won’t ever need it anymore to manage your web app)
  4. log in as your web user (if a shell is available, otherwise sudo yourself and assign the cronjobs to that user crontab using the crontab “-u” argument)

The last executed event is, that the person is kicked out from the campaign, right?

I not using root for cronjobs, just used to run this example manually.
I’m using the Docker oficial image, the user is www-data.


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Yes the user has kicked out from another campaing (“Definição de estágio padrão”).
But the campaing “Jornada Padrão” is active.

Campaign “Definição de estágio padrão” just put the contact in a default stage.

The campaign “Jornada Padrão” is a default journey for all users.


Make sure to clean your cache - otherwise you may face issues**

any additional thoughts?

Found the problem: it’s related with my RabbitMQ queue settings:

When the action is executed , throws an error vhost mautic/messages not found when trying to send any e-mail using queue:

Looks like this PR is settings a /messages at the end of of MAUTIC_MESSENGER_DSN_EMAIL and MAUTIC_MESSENGER_DSN_HIT variables, that causes the problem.

These settings works:

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