Edit lead causing error

I find that I can’t edit leads. The system is reporting a 500 Internal Server Error on any record which has an email address.

Any ideas what the issue is?

I find that I can’t edit leads. The system is reporting a 500 Internal Server Error on any record which has an email address.

Any ideas what the issue is?

Hi, could you take a look into app/logs directory and see if there are some details of the error?

Hi, I´m with the same issue.
Please, take a look on the log info:

[2015-10-25 14:02:55] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception DoctrineDBALDBALException: “An exception occurred while executing ‘SELECT p0_.page_id AS sclr0, p0_.date_hit AS date_hit1, p0_.date_left AS date_left2, p0_.referer AS referer3, p0_.source AS source4, p0_.source_id AS source_id5, p0_.url AS url6, p0_.url_title AS url_title7, p0_.query AS query8 FROM page_hits p0_ WHERE p0_.lead_id = 3’: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘p0_.query’ in ‘field list’” at C:Vitrineewwwdoohnow_marketingvendordoctrinedballibDoctrineDBALDBALException.php line 91 {“exception”:"[object] (Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException(code: 0): An exception occurred while executing ‘SELECT p0_.page_id AS sclr0, p0_.date_hit AS date_hit1, p0_.date_left AS date_left2, p0_.referer AS referer3, p0_.source AS source4, p0_.source_id AS source_id5, p0_.url AS url6, p0_.url_title AS url_title7, p0_.query AS query8 FROM page_hits p0_ WHERE p0_.lead_id = 3’:nnSQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘p0_.query’ in ‘field list’ at C:\Vitrinee\www\doohnow_marketing\vendor\doctrine\dbal\lib\Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException.php:91, PDOException(code: 42S22): SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘p0_.query’ in ‘field list’ at C:\Vitrinee\www\doohnow_marketing\vendor\doctrine\dbal\lib\Doctrine\DBAL\Connection.php:699)"} []

I dont have certain about, but I think it happened after the update.
Thank you.

I am having the same error after the update

Thanks for the report. Could you try one test for me? If you have a SSH access to the server, could you run:

php /path_to_mautic/app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql

and paste the result here?

Please, take a look.

C:wwwmarketing> php app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql ALTER TABLE page_hits ADD query LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:array)';

Thank you!

Ok, take a look at https://github.com/mautic/mautic/issues/1051#issuecomment-151107899

Thank you very much, this solved my issue.
Have a nice day!

Hi, I am getting following error :

[2016-09-08 07:42:18] mautic.ERROR: SCHEMA ERROR: An exception occurred while executing ‘SELECT f.alias, f.is_unique_identifer as is_unique, f.type FROM mulead_fields f ORDER BY f.field_order ASC’: SQLSTATE[3D000]: Invalid catalog name: 1046 No database selected [] []

[2016-09-08 07:42:46] mautic.ERROR: Error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded - in file C:xampphtdocsmauticwebvendordoctrinedballibDoctrineDBALDriverPDOStatement.php - at line 35 [] []

[2016-09-08 08:39:34] mautic.NOTICE: DoctrineDBALExceptionConnectionException: An exception occurred while executing ‘SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type = ‘BASE TABLE’’: SQLSTATE[3D000]: Invalid catalog name: 1046 No database selected (uncaught exception) at C:xampphtdocsmauticwebvendordoctrinedballibDoctrineDBALDriverAbstractMySQLDriver.php line 103 while running console command doctrine:schema:update [] []

How to fix these ?

The database server is failing. Contact your hosting provider/system administrator to help you fix that.

I am working on my localhost xampp and getting these error on my fresh installation.

how to fix “The database server is failing”

I have also increase my execution time to 60 seconds in ini.php file.

Increasing a PHP limit when the database (not PHP) is failing won’t help much. Try some advice from https://www.google.cz/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&client=ubuntu#q=xampp+The+database+server+is+failing

still not able to fixed the above errors.

I have another query, Do we need to install Mautic to work with Mautic Rest API?

Yes, you need to install Mautic if you want to get some responses from the API requests. But you can avoid the installation and use the mautic.net service to host your Mautic.

What I’m wondering that is it possible to get the Mautic API up running so that any application can push information into Mautic when for example a new user is created.

If yes then how?

Mautic is a PHP app and it has API, yes. Here is the documentation https://developer.mautic.org/#rest-api


I have created account on mautic.net and following the api documentation, but still getting the issues.
I have authenticated the api but when I am trying to get the contact list then by passing parameter (contacts) then my current page getting blank.

I am alos getting error while processing readme documentation:-
Fatal error: Call to undefined method MauticAuthApiAuth::validateAccessToken() in C:xampphtdocsmautictest.php on line 40.

Please advise.

Is it possible to have skype call?

Hi, Please advise.

Hard to tell without seeing the code.