Email template break when in gmail

Your software
My Mautic version is: latest
My PHP version is: 7.4

Your problem
My problem is:

Using beefree to create a newsletter template and then export it. I create a new email, then blank template, then edit code et paste beefree html.

Preview in editor is perfect.
Send a test mail and no more css is applied.

The main difference seems to be that mautic encode email before sending it and (gmail) display the encoded html.

Result is only having the email structure (table etc…) and no css at all.

email preview :

I ran into the same issue before. When I verified my domain using DKIM then the email displayed correctly in Gmail because Gmail wouldn’t strip away styles or images. Another plus is that the email won’t go to SPAM.

It is a known beefree isssue. Some templates just dont work. I would use the mjml builder or build from scratch via and then copy pste

Well in fact, i rolled back to the old editor and then it works like a charm.

Wasn’t only beefree but all html template creators

How did you get back to the old editor? Changing the Mautic version?

go to plugins inside mautic and turn off grapejs

It doesn’t work. GrapeJS inner Mautic 4 move inline css to and move this to end of .

Unfortunelly, Mautic forces use GrapesJS if you want to use “send e-mail” from contact card (it functionally doesn’t work if GrapesJS is off). User is in an impasse.

I did rebuild my templates to MJML to fix this. I think this is the best way to go.

Unfortunately even the MJML editor has problems. In the case of sending an e-mail from a template on the contact card, all columns are in the full width of the e-mail.

And I don’t know does the dynamic elements of the e-mail work on the MJML editor? I don’t think so.

I use the Twig Templates instead of the built in dynamic feature fo mautic.
Its superior.