Email Templates display error


I startet using mautic a while back and now I’m trying to build my own template. I’ve run into a tiny problem because once I’ve modified one of the existing templates (add some tables, change colours & Images) and upload it again, the Builder shows me strange grey borders aroung every

element - even though border=“0” is set for some of them. Once I save the email the borders even show up in the preview an in sent mails. Is there anything I missed when updating the Template or maybe an updated tutorial on building templates.

any help is highly appreciated :D

I startet using mautic a while back and now I’m trying to build my own template. I’ve run into a tiny problem because once I’ve modified one of the existing templates (add some tables, change colours & Images) and upload it again, the Builder shows me strange grey borders aroung every

element - even though border=“0” is set for some of them. Once I save the email the borders even show up in the preview an in sent mails. Is there anything I missed when updating the Template or maybe an updated tutorial on building templates.

any help is highly appreciated :smiley:

I forgot to mention I’m currently working on Mautic 2.01


try with border: none;
the idea is that
‘none’ No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0).
otherwise i have to see the template

that actually got me on the right track: I still had some cells that didn’t have any style assigned so the builder added its own. added border: none to all of the cells and now it’s fine

Thanks :smiley:

no prob. mate