Emails are not working (Test email from settings work)

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.4.9
My PHP version is: 8.0.2
My Database type and version is: MYSQL 5.7

Your problem
My problem is:
Hello, I have a problem with mautic emails. I’ve set up docker container with 8.0.3 php version and set up mautic application.

I’ve set up AWS SES email as provider and when i test email through settings everything works. However if i want to send email through sections or Send Example, it returns success but nothing happens. I’ve set up cron jobs and cron logs, however everything seems fine, no errors in logs.

These errors are showing in the log:
Cron log:
| Channel | # sent | # failed |
Processing message queue
Messages sent: 0

Rebuilding contacts for segment 7
0 total contact(s) to be added in batches of 300
0 total contact(s) to be removed in batches of 300
0 contact(s) affected
Rebuilding contacts for segment 6
0 total contact(s) to be added in batches of 300
0 total contact(s) to be removed in batches of 300
0 contact(s) affected

| Channel | # sent | # failed |
Processing message queue
Messages sent: 0

Rebuilding contacts for segment 7
0 total contact(s) to be added in batches of 300
0 total contact(s) to be removed in batches of 300
0 contact(s) affected
Rebuilding contacts for segment 6
0 total contact(s) to be added in batches of 300
0 total contact(s) to be removed in batches of 300
0 contact(s) affected

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

Changed email provider.
Debugged through code to see if email is formed properly.
Created cron logs.
Added permissions to necessary folders.

Maybe a good starting point here would be to temporarily disable email queue and send emails immediately to see if that works.

Hello, thank you for replying and trying to help.

I’ve also tried that, swapped in local.php:
‘queue_mode’ => ‘immediate_process’.

Still no emails are being received. I’ve also checked SES to see if emails are being sent and they’re not.

Does anything show in logs under: var/logs/<filename>. Can you follow the log file and see if any error pops up?

Additionally here is an article on the official knowledge base:

There is nothing in the logs. I dumped all the way through the MailerInterface and everything seems correct. I’ve also tried everything from the article.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.