Emails ending up in spam after ses setup 2024

Hey everyone!

I recently installed mautic well not so recently around 3 months ago and i finally had the time to finish setting it up with the installation i did face some problems but overall went very well with the help of the community which was very helpful!
I followed this guide on how to setup mautic with ses, here is the guide : . I watched it a couple of times and i did make sure to follow every single step explained and taught in that video.
I did set it up and the connection on mautic turns out to be a success and the test email is a success as well, it does go through.

Later on i did get out of sandbox and requested ses to give me permission to use their services which got approved and now i can send emails to external emails as well which is great but my emails and up in spam…
I checked with mail tester and my score is 9,9/10 spam assassin is -0.1, i did check the blacklist one as well and came out clean so im asking if there is anything i need to involve or anything i need to activate because the video tutorial was of 2023 and 1 year has passed so some stuff might have changed.
Im rly looking forward to fixing this issue because is the last piece of my business that i miss.

Looking forward to the suggestions!

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You did a good job testing the email !

Honestly, it can come from many criteria.

Maybe if you do email campaign test with a different format, fewer links less text and avoid some keywords in the object that could be spammy (free, discount, offer…). Once one email pass through you can add progressively some more content and see if it works. Also, with the email preview you can have more texte visible in the email, it could help if one keyword is not helping in the object, put it in the email preview could work.

Otherwise, you can also have a look at “Email on Acid”. It will review all the details of your email so the structure and technical part can be as optimized as possible.


Thank you for your reply!
I have been waiting a bit before replying to you, specifically waiting for the AWS team to respond to my problem. Their response wasnt very helpful as they said they dont help you with email delivery, which is a bit insane as im using their service to deliver emails, but anyway i read some other forums here and i wrote 2 simple codes on python that check if the email address i want to contact exist or not and also checks my own email for spammy words(it has none). My actual email has no links no images and less than 100 words the only thing that could be different is that a sentence is in color blue.
I did try email on acid and came out as a good email nothing spammy so i rly dont know what the problem could be here.
The ses team told me about “The “554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified” error means that you are trying to send email from an email address or domain that you have not verified with Amazon SES.” i double checked it and is the same email as the one i have as a verified identity. i would really appreciate some suggestions as to what i should look into to troubleshoot this problem.I forgot to mention i also have my domain verified which should technically make every email with that domain verified, maybe im mistaken here but worth mentioning imo.
Thank you for your time !

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