Error 500 after installation (Step2)

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.0.4
My PHP version is: 8.1.28
My Database type and version is: MariaDB 10.11.6

Your problem
I installed Mautic 5.0.4 using the script provided by the provider.
I’ve tried several times, but I always get to /index.php/installer/step/2 with an error

Uh oh! I think I broke it. If I do it again, please report me to the system administrator! 500 Internal Server Error.

The Apache log gives me a Mod_Security error, but even by deactivating this module (and I don’t want to do that) I still get the same error.

These errors are showing in the log:

[Wed May 01 19:24:22.728120 2024] [security2:error] [pid 51126:tid 140029374408384] [remote MY-IP:55961] [client MY-IP] ModSecurity: Rule 7f5b2e628b18 [id "-"][file "/usr/share/modsecurity-crs/rules/RESPONSE-951-DATA-LEAKAGES-SQL.conf"][line "421"] - Execution error - PCRE limits exceeded (-47): (null). [hostname "mkt.MY-DOMAIN"] [uri "/index.php/installer/step/2"] [unique_id "ZjJ6xusN9k0IZgDKX5NPIAAABBg"], referer: https://mkt.MY-DOMAIN/index.php/installer/step/2
[Wed May 01 19:24:22.722092 2024] [security2:error] [pid 51126:tid 140029374408384] [remote MY-IP:55961] [client MY-IP] ModSecurity: Rule 7f5b2e6c6f40 [id "-"][file "/usr/share/modsecurity-crs/rules/RESPONSE-951-DATA-LEAKAGES-SQL.conf"][line "93"] - Execution error - PCRE limits exceeded (-47): (null). [hostname "mkt.MY-DOMAIN"] [uri "/index.php/installer/step/2"] [unique_id "ZjJ6xusN9k0IZgDKX5NPIAAABBg"], referer: https://mkt.MY-DOMAIN/index.php/installer/step/2
[Wed May 01 19:18:04.887519 2024] [security2:error] [pid 45351:tid 139668674807488] [remote MY-IP:55778] [client MY-IP] ModSecurity: Rule 7f072c038b18 [id "-"][file "/usr/share/modsecurity-crs/rules/RESPONSE-951-DATA-LEAKAGES-SQL.conf"][line "421"] - Execution error - PCRE limits exceeded (-47): (null). [hostname "mkt.MY-DOMAIN"] [uri "/index.php/installer/step/2"] [unique_id "ZjJ5TOnf7W_339wCZ7yaWQAAUgo"], referer: https://mkt.MY-DOMAIN/index.php/installer/step/2
[Wed May 01 19:18:04.881457 2024] [security2:error] [pid 45351:tid 139668674807488] [remote MY-IP:55778] [client MY-IP] ModSecurity: Rule 7f072c6bbf40 [id "-"][file "/usr/share/modsecurity-crs/rules/RESPONSE-951-DATA-LEAKAGES-SQL.conf"][line "93"] - Execution error - PCRE limits exceeded (-47): (null). [hostname "mkt.MY-DOMAIN"] [uri "/index.php/installer/step/2"] [unique_id "ZjJ5TOnf7W_339wCZ7yaWQAAUgo"], referer: https://mkt.MY-DOMAIN/index.php/installer/step/2