Error view of a landingpage with smartphone

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.4.10
My PHP version is: 8.0.30
My Database type and version is: Mariadb 10.6

I made a landingpage with form and picture. The Laptops shows it normal - the smartphone view is not usable.
(btw - to place the image in the middle function i miss/didn’t found…)

Here are the screenshots

Laptop - Landingpage Builder:

Smartphone - No Form is shown on the Smartphone and the image is too big

did you use a specific landing page template?
Generally, the CMS functionality of Mautic is limited. Did you think ever think of generating the Landing Page in your preferred CMS and embed the form there?


No, i made it with the blank template.

Perhaps this will be improved in V5. At the moment in 4.4.10, the landingpage feature is not really usable…or very spartanical.


You have to know that the landing page builder is not 100% reliable in terms of responsiveness. Also the default blank theme is not a good starter I’d say.
What I would recommend you:

  1. Create your own template responsive, then you start from it : faster and reliable
  2. You download from the web some landing page HTML that you convert into mautic template : fast, no code for you, reliable.


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I hope some of the Devs read this and improve the Landingpage feature in Mautic 5.

Most of our clients use the CMS of their choice to setup beautiful landing pages: WordPress, Typo3, … whatever you prefer. The LandingPage feature we only use rarely, as it - besides responsiveness - triggers a lot more required functionalty. Consent Management to start with…

Landing pages in Mautic we sometimes use for confirmation in campaigns or for holding a preference center page. But for real landing pages, we have high demands, that requires a proper CMS.

I would not vote for focusing on landing pages in Mautic myself.

I have a Website with wordpress.

But for Social Media Marketing it would helpful in some cases, to have a quick landing page with a form in Mautic.

Especially if I want that the Landing Page is not findable in a search engine.

Or other special Marketing things.

So: Hope someone reads my improvement suggestion.

The landing page is using the underlying HTML.
The basic one added to Mautic is non-responsive, but once you overwrite the HTML with a responsive one, you are good to go.

Hmm…are there anywhere a template for this?
And if yes…
How to import that in Mautic?

Here is one:

Import it as a normal theme import.
(Click gear icon + Themes + Import)

Hey great. Wow.
I tested the downloaded templated at it looks perfect on the smartphone. So building fantastic landingpages should make possible.

Btw: Are there anywhere a tutorial. It seems it works a bit different as a e-mail builder.
At a short view i see in the landing page builder “boxes” instead of “sections” (used in e-mail builder).

Maybe you know a video tutorial for the theme editor.
And thanks for your great support.

Very nice page, how did you do it?