Focus items - no "focus" directory?!?

Hi everybody.

I have installed mautic on the self hosted plattform. At the moment I’m trying to get some focus items to run - but nothing happens.

I have noticed that the

has in the link a .../focus/... directory. But after saving the focus item, no .../focus/... directory is showing up. Has someboby an idea?

Hi everybody.
I have installed mautic on the self hosted plattform. At the moment I’m trying to get some focus items to run - but nothing happens.
I have noticed that the <script src="//url/path to mautic/focus/1.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" async="async"></script>
has in the link a …/focus/… directory. But after saving the focus item, no …/focus/… directory is showing up. Has someboby an idea?

One step further…while I just added a secound focus item, the secound one is running. The first one still not showing off.
I keep testing :slight_smile:

You understand that there are no actual directories on the FS and Mautic generates those scripts dynamically while the webserver serves the inexistant paths using rewrite (e g. mod_rewrite on Apache), right?