Form description area

I want to create a form and insert some text in the description area field, which should be saved together with the other field values in the contact’s profile.

However, in my test, the content of the description area field is not saved after submiting.
What am I doing wrong?

Hi @markquest

You have to make sure that the “description” field is called the same from your form and the one you activate in the Contact tab, from “Custom Fields”.

By default the only “description” field that exists in “Custom Fields” has the alias “companydescription”.

Put screenshots of your created “description” field or the one you are using and the one painted on the form for the user to fill in.


Hi gnumax, sorry to bother you but I still dont get it.

I am trying to use Mautic to create a registration form to get consent for a special provision in addition to the email address.
I have entered the text for the provision in a description field. It would be optimal if this text will be saved to the profile when submitting the form for documentation purposes, but unfortunately I am not able to do that.

For the important consent, I created a selection field in the custom fields and defined the value for the consent. The consent field is part of the form and the switch is set to “Save value”. Yet the field is empty after the form is submitted. Can you please help me further?