Forward to Friend - revisit

The idea is very simple and I believe Mautic users should have access to such feature.
Here’s the Mailchip’s description of it and the reasoning behind it.

I found an old topic here from 2015 but it has been closed - Forward to friend

Hi, you can recreate this with:

  • Your template should have a share with friends button which links to:{newsletterlink}
  • The above link should point at a landing page with a form, where a custom field ‘newsletterlink’ is prefilled by the URL above
  • The forwarder has to fill out the email address in the form. Once it’s done an email is sent, with the predefined content ‘Read this article… blablabla’ with the merged link of the newsletter.


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Hey @joeyk , I came across this post looking for the exact thing the OP is asking.

If I understood correctly, to get this going I’d have to:

  1. Put together a new form asking the user for their friend’s email address
  2. Have the form send the email upon submission
  3. Build a landing page containing the form
  4. Add the link to the landing to my email template

Is this correct?

I did 1 and 2 but I’m having trouble marking the entered value as the email destinatary. The only options I see available (Mautic 5.0.4) are “Contact” and “User”. What am I missing?



First of all it is very important to set this form as ‘Kiosk mode’. This setting makes sure you don’t overwrite any data.

Then just add connect the Email field with the regular Email field :slight_smile:

By filling out the form you would create a new contact.

How do I have the field prefilled by the URL? Would it suffice to add the parameter to the URL?

When you say “custom field”, you mean a hidden field with the label newsletterlink?


Hi, I think we already moved away from the original plan. :slight_smile:

  1. Contact fills out the friends email address.
  2. Email is received by the friend with a link to a landing page
  3. The landing page includes a form.

Should the link from the original article’s URL be added to the email as well?
What should be on the form?