Your problem
My problem is:
I want to get all the contacts after a specific dateAdded and dateModified. Because the dateModified is null when a contact is newly created. I just want to get all the newly created and modified contacts after my last synchronisation.
These errors are showing in the log:
"{“errors”:[{“message”:"Es sieht so aus, als ob wir auf einen Fehler gesto\u00dfen sind (Fehler #500). Bitte melden Sie dies dem Administrator wenn es nochmal passiert. “,“code”:500,“type”:null}]}”
Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
I have tried this request
GET /api/contacts?
where[0][val][0][val]=2024-08-02 15:00:00&
where[0][val][1][val]=2024-08-02 15:00:00
When I filter the dateAdded and dateModified separately. I can get the right results. But when I try to combine the two fields with “orX”, it doesn’t work any more. Can someone help me with that? Thank you very much