Getting started with Landing Pages

Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.3.3
My PHP version is: 7.4
My Database type and version is: MySQL

Your problem
My problem is: Not really a problem, just need some direction…

I am exploring Landing Pages.

I don’t actually want to build pages in Mautic; I want to keep them in my CMS (Processwire) on another domain on the same server. But I would like to use the features that Mautic Landing Pages offer - tracking etc. I guess?

Is there a way to “embed” a Mautic Landing Page in another site? Or can I just add bits of code to another site/page to enable Mautic (tracking) features? Is that addressed in the documentation somewhere?

I have already figured out how to embed Mautic forms into another site. That seems to work very well and is very flexible/customizable :slight_smile:

Would using Mautic Landing Pages add much? What else can I do with them? Which parts of the documentations should I explore?

I haven’t upgraded to version 4 yet; will do that after a current project. Congrats on the milestone!

Go to Settings/Configuration/Tracking Settings and copy the code in the box at the top of the page into your landing page

Here are the docs specific to landing pages Landing pages | Mautic

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I have used Mautuc for years and I have only once used the mautic landing page builder. The builder sucks. Version 4 has a new builder so let see…

Create your pages in your favorite builder, insert the mautic tracking code and off you go.

Using Dynamic content you can merge in mautic data to the 3rd party landing pages if you need personalization.

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Thanks robm. Those were the answers I was looking for.

I don’t mind Mautic’s page builder is rudimentary. I would not build my sites with a marketing automation application anyway.

Thanks for pointing me to the tracking settings EJL.

Looking into Dynamic Content next…


The tracking settings say: ‘Insert following code at the end of the web page before ending </body> tag.’

Should I take that literally? I usually have end-of-page javascript below the </body> tag; there is no reason to include it in the html section, or is there?

Having to have it before the </body> tag messes up my template structure.

It does not matter where u put the code I think. Lower down in the page only means you risk not getting data if the person clicks away before the code loads.