Ghost contact IDs

Okay thanks I admit I didn’t know that. I checked and indeed those “Ghost IDs” I’m mentioning are actually anonymous contacts. But since by default they are hidden from the contact list I never knew about it.

So I typed “is:anonymous” in the filter field and I got a result of “4546 items, 152 pages in total”… makes sense now.

My only question now is, how can I disable this functionality in Mautic? I don’t really want to track visitors, I only want to keep identified contacts.

These anonymous contacts are taking up IDs and space in my database (and also possibly causing server overload), and most of them are bots and/or coming from the same IP over and over (see image):

Honestly I don’t need this feature in Mautic, that is why I want to disable it.

In my website I already have a solution that keeps traffic logs from visitors in a very efficient way, so I don’t really need Mautic to do that for me.

I only want Mautic to track identified contacts and disable anonymous contacts. Is this possible?

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