Gmail List-Unsubscribe Header

Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.2.4
My PHP version is: 7.2.34
My Database type and version is: MySQL 5.0.12

Your problem
My problem is:

We currently don’t have a List-Unsubscribe Header in place, and it is causing anyone who uses the Gmail inline automatic unsubscribe function to remain on our lists. We geta a notification that they’ve used it (to email) but it doesn’t action anything on their account in Mautic

These errors are showing in the log:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

We’re not sure what do to for next steps.


Gmail transport class probably does not add this header in request message - I had to manually add the header while integrating with another provider.

I think code needs to be adapted for this - and once you look at the right place that is actually pretty easy.

After a quick search I could not locate the right peace of Mautic core / plugin that needs to be adapted. One thing I am sure of - this is actually issue and your are welcome to open the issue on GitHub.

If I actually locate the right peace of code I will post it here and maybe even do the PR.

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Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!

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Thank you for this post @dustintitus . We are having a similar issue. I’m posting here because most likely it’s related.

To put it simple, when people click on the unsubscribe link from anywhere other than GMail, they are correctly unsubscribed from mautic. But when they click on the unsub link from GMail, they are not deleted (Even if they see the unsubscription confirmation page).

What might be the issue?