Has anyone how to fix the error: Failed to clear FilesystemTagAwareAdapter?

Your software
My PHP version is : 7.4
My MariaDB version is: 10.2
My Mautic version is : 4.4.0

These errors are showing in the Mautic log :
mautic.EMERGENCY: Failed to clear Mautic cache. {“adapter”:“FilesystemTagAwareAdapter”} {“hostname”:“555677.cloudwaysapps.com”,“pid”:30636}
mautic.NOTICE: Exception: Failed to clear FilesystemTagAwareAdapter (uncaught exception) at /home/555677.cloudwaysapps.com/hjgfecmjsc/public_html/app/bundles/CacheBundle/EventListener/CacheClearSubscriber.php line 46 while running console command cache:clear {“hostname”:“555677.cloudwaysapps.com”,“pid”:30636}
mautic.WARNING: Command cache:clear exited with status code 1 {“hostname”:“555677.cloudwaysapps.com”,“pid”:30636}

Your problem
My problem is :
When I try to clear the cache via command line I end up with the above errors in the log.

Steps I have tried to fix the problem : I just run the command

php bin/console cache:clear


Hello @gregy1,

Do you have finds any fix for your issue?


Clear the cache without the cache:clear command:

rm -rf var/cache/dev/* var/cache/prod/*
1 Like

Has anyone been able to fix this? I have updated the new source but still got

Hello @thangsanps,

The solution is:
