How can Mautic work better with gdpr tools like Borlabs?

Hi community,

we use Mautic in Germany so we have to adhere to GDPR laws. We use a cookie consent banner (borlabs) in order to block cookies. And we use the Mautic WordPress Plugin with the gdpr option on.

This combination does not work very well as Mautic creates two profiles - one anonymous one with page tracking information - for every click as the contact ist not tracked - and one identified one without page tracking information. That creates very fast performance issues.

The other problem ist that we want to be able to turn on tracking when a form is submitted as there the user has to agree with our policy and we are now allowed to track. But as the cookie consent banner supresses the mautic cookie, tracking cannot be turned on by the form sending the mautic cookie - as it is the exact cookie that is controlled by Borlabs.

So we are now working on a workaround that uses another form editor in wordpress instead of using mautic forms.

For us a good solution would be a setting that if a mautic form is submittet then a second mautic cookie is set that enables tracking (a cookie that is only send through a gdpr consenting action via the visitor and is never set initially) so that the cookie consent banner does not supress the cookie.

Would that be a possible option for mautic development or is there another solution that we missed?

Thanks in advance for the help!


Hi, take a look at this plugin (no affiliation)

Thanks for the tip. I don’t think that their addressing all our problems but I will share the link with our developers.

For us an important solution would be another custom cookie that enables mautic if a form with gdpr consent is sent - so our gdpr plugin does not block it.