How to make sure, that contacts to get into segments / campaigns they're not supposed to be in?


I’m wondering how you do this, when your system is growing over time.
More ideas, different campaigns, more sophisticated filters etc.
At the beginning a simple newsletter yes/now field or similar was enough.
Then geographical segments, preferences segments etc. and you keep on adding fields for filtering to contacts.
The early contacts don’t have those fields and might slip into segments and receive the wrong communication.
How to avoid this?



This is an amazing question :slight_smile:
Let’s say you imported only females a year ago and your filter was:
“Subscribed to Newsletter”
But a year later you also send email to males. Now your form will include a gender question as well, any you’d create 2 lists based on your result:

  1. female (where gender = f)
  2. male (where gender = m)
    But what happens with the old female segment? Anyone who you imported before?
    Well, you’d need to export them, add the new field, fill out the data in that column (f) and then reimport the list (just use email and the new value.) and merge them together.
    From this moment on you can keep your new segments only.

This is what I would do. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer.

So basically, manual ETL.
Keeping the data clean in external tools.
I guess a mass update feature would be nice to have, but doing it via exports works for me. :slight_smile: