Huge mtemail_stats table

Hi guys,

We have been using Mautic in the past 3 weeks with some positive and negative points.

We have sent around 500,000 emails to 350,000 contacts.

We had some glitches with our platform and realized we were running out of space. After digging, I found that the table “mtemail_stats” is taking around 12GB…

I’m cleaning the data inside based on the sent date, but I still feel uncomfortable having such issue with Mautic that will probably arise again.

Any idea why so big? (Okay 350,000 lines but still…)

Thank you

Hi guys,

We have been using Mautic in the past 3 weeks with some positive and negative points.
We have sent around 500,000 emails to 350,000 contacts.

We had some glitches with our platform and realized we were running out of space. After digging, I found that the table “mtemail_stats” is taking around 12GB…

I’m cleaning the data inside based on the sent date, but I still feel uncomfortable having such issue with Mautic that will probably arise again.

Any idea why so big? (Okay 350,000 lines but still…)

Thank you

What’s the content of your emails sent? Do you have a lot of embedded SVGs? Mautic does keep a copy of the email sent to the lead which is used to review copies of what was sent via the web view URLs (optionally embedded in sent emails) or from the lead’s timeline. If you have a lot of images in the email, that table could get big.

We store a copy because the “template” can be changed, or an A/B test removed, or the email deleted.

Ah, that could come from there… I have some images in the emails indeed…times the numbers of rows…

Thanks for the fast reply. I’m deleting most of the records now.

Note that if you delete the records, Mautic will not keep track of open rates as it is those rows it uses to determine what lead opened what and what campaigns, etc will use in the opens email decisions.

It would be better to just wipe out the contents of the “copy” column unless you really just don’t care about the stats and don’t use campaigns with opened email decisions.

Thanks for the suggestion Alan!