Import Contacts not working

I’m attempting to import a basic CSV that only has email, first name, last name, and company fields.


Am I missing a ‘Go Do It’ button at the bottom of this screen?

I’m attempting to import a basic CSV that only has email, first name, last name, and company fields.

Am I missing a ‘Go Do It’ button at the bottom of this screen?

Does anyone have a sql import script that I can use to simply get this done?

It’s been a week since I’ve installed Mautic and I’m completely dead in the water. I just want to get a few hundred people into the system and test. I’m trying not to walk away from the project - it looks promising but at this point I haven’t been able to even get to square one.

I found this in my site error log:

PHP Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 1048576) (tried to allocate 3072 bytes)

BUT – I’ve allocated 1024M to Php. hmmm…

Same memory problem here with contacts import. I can’t even get to the import page so I couldn´t even try posts or uploads yet!