Incorporate ManyChat Feature To Send Messages To Facebook Messenger

My idea is: become the next manychat where mautic can send messages to our contacts on Facebook messenger.

I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea: everyone in sales/marketing, B2B, B2C, etc.

Why I think they would benefit from this idea: Well Mautic already supports sms, social media feeds, push notifications, so why not up it up a notch and include manychat functionality. Open rates on Facebook Messenger are 5-7x higher than emails and the beauty is they don’t require a monthly fee like sms messages. So long term, this idea would be economical, practical, sustainable, and lucrative from the business owner’s perspective.

Any code or resources to support this idea: I wish, but none that I can think of since I am not a coder.

Are you willing to work on this idea?: I wish if only I was a coder.

What skills and resources do you need to explore this further? I am not sure.

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Great guide. It will be even more satisfied time spending here if you can tell us whether this feature integrates with a Social app website. Looking forward to your positive guide!